05 Mar 2014

Teach You How to Clean Leiyuan Manufactured Culture Stone?

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Manufactured Culture Stone Veneers have become a hot commodity in today’s homes. They look fantastic, last forever and cost only a fraction of what a natural stone wall would. They are so popular; many people have taken them on as a DIY project.

Leiyuan Manufactured Culture Stone has been growing in popularity with most consumers but especially with any one working within a budget. Leiyuan Manufactured Culture Stone is just as beautiful as natural stone and has 40 years warranty but it costs much less to use. One of the best features about Leiyuan Muanufactured Culture Stone is its durability. It is more color-fast than natural stone so it can go a long time with very little maintenance.

However, if you want to get the absolute best results from your manufactured stone then you may want to get into the habit of cleaning it every three months. It is a fairly simple process and won’t take much time if you follow these steps:

  1. Gather your materials – A five gallon bucket, some mild dish detergent, a stiff brush and a garden hose.
  2. Put about one cup of the dish detergent into the bucket and fill the bucket until it’s around ¾ full. Mix thoroughly. Don’t use an abrasive cleaner because it has a chance of eating away at the surface of the cultured stone and can even cause permanent discoloration.
  3. Use the garden hose to rinse off the wall. Make sure you get any loose debris or dirt that may be present.
  4. Dip your brush into the detergent mix and start scrubbing the stones. Pay special attention to any areas showing stains or discoloration. This kind of staining is usually just a product of something on the surface interacting with the stone so a little elbow grease will remove the problem entirely. Use circular motions when you are scrubbing and make sure you rinse your brush in the bucket periodically. Otherwise, you will just be smearing the dirt around instead of removing it.
  5. Use the hose to give the stones a through rinse. If you leave any soap residue on the wall it will leave an unappealing gray film.

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